I have met a guy.
I liked him.
He liked me.
Or I would like to think that he did.
But how come we did not end up together?
Fast forward to one year and eight months, I still think of him. He is in every corner of my mind. No matter how I bury the memories of him with other thoughts, with work, with friends, with films, with books, with television series, with social media intake, Netflix. He is still there, a major part of me, in every breath I take, in every angle I would lean my head, here, there, front, center, in the mornings before I pray, I would find myself lingering a few seconds, recalling every piece of him, racking my brain, trying not to miss the details of our encounter, that brief sweet encounter.
There are even instances when I would allow myself to go beyond my memory of him-- us holding hands longer, tighter, braver, wiser, not letting go. Us in a relationship, having the time of our lives sharing pieces of our selves, oh so slowly, kissing, laughing, fighting, making up, sharing dreams, my head leaning on his chest listening to the beat of his heart, mine... it was bittersweet, I would pull myself in time to shake my head, pause, blink and close my eyes because it hurts so bad lingering in that one drawer of my brain which would not exist in reality no matter how I rearranged it. It was what it was, a fantasy, a longing, a hope.
Where did all go wrong?
#fiction lol
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