Monday, August 31, 2015

Scarlett week

I spent a long weekend this week. It was fantastically lazy! First activity was my obligation as a friend to celebrate life with them as it was one of my dear friends birthday last Saturday (Wow! Look at that. She got friends! Lol) We are a team of creatively lazy people (besides being obviously pretty heads lol) with me as the laziest and the least creative, I say this with most affectionate smile. 

We just can't get enough of one fact: we THINK we are so goddamn pretty, we can't stop doing selfie after one minute lol

I ran out of things to do day after that exhaustion, there's innovation in being lazy, I tell you, remember when I told you that I bought a Kindle from one of my techie office mates, so I scroll and scroll and scroll and tuddaaaah few minutes after, I was already lost in the world of the Southerners struggling in an American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, where I've meet the Mother of all vain-ness (if there's such a word), of all selfishness, of all pompousness, of all her vivaciousness, if she's  even real, I want to slap her so hard til some sense get into her, so lost into her world, I got separation anxiety thinking about work the following day after Monday. Her name was Scarlett O'Hara where Gone with the Wind was entirely her world. 

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