Thursday, March 30, 2017


Have you ever been asked, "what have you accomplished so far in your life?" or have you asked this yourself lately? I do. I did. Constantly. Other 24 years old from different walks of life have become a "something" of this or that for once in their lives; either they have established themselves a business that they have always desired, created something wonderful that, if not changed or transformed, somehow altered the future for the young ones, or started building their family, got married and experienced that orgasmic feeling of be-"coming" a man or a woman, or have traveled to different countries and cities they've always dreamt of seeing, or took courage and became the person they have always wanted to be, or went to Africas of the world to sustain humanity, or just simply managed to materialize the "someday" they have been waiting for. Where was my poverty soul possibly be during it? It was sitting at the far off corner of the roomful of uniformed men, breathing, vibrating at having this one chance to live - if not Live - with peroxide hair. Lol 😂 

Randomly written on June 19, 2016

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Happy Birthday to Ate DM wearing flowers in her hair with magic secrets of youth in her eyes up there in heaven.

We miss you so much beh, our lives may have come a long way, but seeing you grow up before our eyes would have been more than enough to make our lives better. You will always be in our hearts. Continue to be an angel to all of us especially to Clark and your cousins.